What I'm most looking forward to in #TKBmovie

May 08, 2018
I'm so excited to see a few things come to life in the movie of The Kissing Booth! Find out what I'm most excited for in this post.

The Kissing Booth movie is being released on Netflix THIS FRIDAY, and I for one cannot wait. It's been more than five years since we sold the movie rights to Komixx, and I can't believe it's actually happening! 

I've read the script, so I know what changes have been made and what happens in the movie, but (at the time of writing this, at least!) I've yet to see the final movie. 

And in the build-up to the release, I'm going to share what I'm most looking forward to in the movie!

The soundtrack

Okay, so I'm a sucker for soundtracks. (To the point where my Daily Mix 1 on Spotify is purely movie/TV soundtracks.) The song in the trailer has quickly become the song I want to live the rest of my life to, and when I was out at set last year Vince played me the song they had made for the prom, and it was FABULOUS. I just have so much love for the music that goes along to a movie, so this is definitely one of the things I'm most excited for.

The comedy value

So the script was funny. It was laugh-out-loud funny. But there were so many funny bits in the script that I know will just be all that much funnier when they come to life on screen! There were a bunch of shots in the trailer that made me giggle - and I know that Joey and Joel have just brought a whole other dimension to the movie with their excellent chemistry! And speaking of...

Elle and Lee

There are so many great Elle and Lee moments in the story, and I just had so much fun writing them - and so much fun seeing Joey and Joel bring them to life on set that I know I won't be disappointed!

Elle and Noah, running through the rain, K-I-S-S-I-N-G

You guys all saw that bit in the trailer where Elle and Noah run through the rain into a gazebo thing, right? And have that absolutely adorable moment? My heart just melted. I've read the script and I know what's coming but I still think it'll be even better on screen.

And like, literally everything else Elle and Noah

Because why wouldn't I be excited to see their romance unfold on screen? The dynamics I got to see filmed on set were PERFECT, and exactly as I'd always imagined, so I'd like to see all the bits I missed.

My cameo...

Keep an eye out for it! I'm not giving away ANYTHING until after the release!

Every scene I got to watch filmed on set

In the trailer, there are actually a lot of scenes I was on set for. I was on a high watching the trailer, but felt this weird boost whenever a bit came up I saw filmed. (I'm really going to have to hold back saying 'I saw this bit' when I watch it with people.)

The bits I wrote!

Vince didn't change everything in the script, and there are a fair few lines or scenes taken from the book. And while the most important thing for me is the characters and their relationships and dynamics, I'm especially keen to see the bits that have come straight from the book.

And, of course: THE KISSING BOOTH

I'd be mad not to mention this one, right? I freaked when I saw the pictures from set. I freaked when I saw it in the trailer (which you can see in my reaction video here). I'm kind of expecting to flat-out faint when it shows up in the movie.

Especially because it's what started all this! A girl, two boys, and a kissing booth - and me and my laptop!

What are you most looking forward to seeing in the movie? Let me know in the comments, or Tweet it to me @Reekles!

If you haven't seen the trailer yet - I don't know where you've been, but check it out now!

Don't forget that The Kissing Booth will be coming to Netflix on Friday 11th May 2018 as a Netflix Original movie - it's being released worldwide on this date, and you can add it to your list now!

And - you can watch the trailer right here.

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