How I'll be celebrating the release of #TKBmovie

May 07, 2018
The Kissing Booth movie will be coming to Netflix this week, and I'm so excited! I'll be celebrating in a few different ways...

It's no secret that my novel, The Kissing Booth, will be out as a Netflix Original movie THIS WEEK! With release day only a few days away, I'm all over my plans to celebrate!

Friday night fizz 

On release day, I'm going to have a couple of friends from work over in the afternoon to watch the movie - we'll have a few drinks (which makes a nice change for me, as I've been driving every time we've done something social like a pub quiz), some pizza and watch the movie. 

Everyone at work is really excited about it - they all crowded around my phone to watch the trailer when I had it just before it went out on YouTube - and I know it's not exactly everyone's cup of tea, but it'll be so much fun to watch with some of my work friends!

I plan one helluva party

The big event, though, is on Saturday afternoon. This is what I'm really looking forward to, for so many reasons.

I've not seen my uni mates in... God, it must be well over a year since we've all hung out together! We're all pretty spread out across the country. But my movie is the perfect excuse to get everyone together. 

Said mates will also tell you I don't half-arse a party. (For my one friend's 21st birthday, I made party bags. Proper party bags, like we got when we were six years old. Bouncy balls and mini packs of Haribo, balloons, the lot. Everyone loved them.)

My uni friends are all coming around to watch the movie with me on Saturday, the day after it's released. I'm putting on a buffet, getting some fizz and I've got little red-and-white striped boxes for popcorn...

I've even got chalkboard bunting you can write on. The example was 'Congratulations', with a letter on each triangle.

You know what's the same number of letters as 'congratulations'?


(I couldn't leave it there. I just had to get it.)

My sister's also planning her own little viewing party back home with her friends, and I've got a few other friends who've said they're watching it with some of their friends. I just think that's so cute!

I have, of course, booked release day off work. 

The movie is being released at 12am PST, which is about 8am my time (BST). 

I'll be watching it first thing when I wake up, and I'm probably going to film a few reactions to post a video on YouTube sometime next week. I plan to spend a lot of the day on social media (and will also be going out to shop for all the food I plan to do for my Saturday buffet). 

Something else I'd really like to do to celebrate the release is buy myself some kind of piece of jewellery to commemorate the occasion. I was really hoping Pandora would have some kind of quirky popcorn charm for their bracelets, but looks like I'm going to have to shop around a bit instead! Not that it has to be anything expensive - more something movie-related. (Like popcorn. What's more movie than popcorn?!)

I've got a few other exciting things planned!

The whole last week, I've felt like I've been celebrating the release of The Kissing Booth. This week is no different! I'm taking part in the #Wattpad4 Twitter chat tonight (it starts at 8pm EST, Monday 7th May, so join in if you're around!), I'm going to be running a Twitter competition, I've got a couple of interviews lined up, and so much going on here on my blog and on my YouTube channel!

Don't forget that The Kissing Booth will be coming to Netflix on Friday 11th May 2018 as a Netflix Original movie - it's being released worldwide on this date, and you can add it to your list now!

Remember to watch the trailer here too - I had a bet with someone in work that it wouldn't get more than 3.6 million views before the movie's out... and boy, I have never been so glad to not win a bag of Maltesers!

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