The Twenty Something Series: New job, new flat, same old me

I'm a week into my new job, a week into my new flat, and even though everything's changing, I feel like the same old me.

Last Sunday, I moved up to Durham for my new job.

This is my first time living alone (not counting uni, where I house-shared) and I’m now a week into my new job, too.

If you read this post on my blog back in April, you’ll know I quit the graduate job in accounting and audit I got out of uni because, frankly, I hated it. Not all of it, but enough of it that it reduced me to tears a few times. And that was only in the first three months.

So, the new job: I’m on an IT graduate scheme, which is way more up my street and in line with my career goals. (Side note – I’d always planned to leave my old job after my three years to qualify, and try to get into IT instead.)

I haven’t had much chance to do a lot of actual work yet. Mostly this past week involved setting up my laptop, listening in on some meetings, and a two-day induction. I also read a few research papers on things like customer data hubs and omnichannels and it might sound boring as hell, but I really enjoyed it.

I'm assuming you guys probably don't have so much interest in that kind of stuff, though, so I won't go into too much detail on the worky side of things, don't worry.

Overall, the people are nice, the environment is great, and the work sounds like it’s going to be awesome. It’s totally different to my old job. I’m already in love. You know, as opposed to thinking, ‘Okay, just three years, I can do this.’

And as for my new flat? Also totally in love with it. Completely settled in. I’ve even done some laundry. Oh, and I cooked some meals in bulk. Three different meals and seventeen portions in two and a half hours. Not too shabby, huh? (Sorry, I'm just really proud of myself. I had a hella productive Sunday between my to-do list and my kitchen.)

One drawback is that I'm kind of restricted on internet. Broadband was looking like a challenge; instead I’ve ended up with one of those mobile wifi boxes with a monthly data allowance. It’s great for regular browsing, but I did use up about three gigabites watching Clue on Amazon Prime. (Which, I would totally recommend. It was utterly gripping as well as hilarious.) Looks like Netflix binges are off the cards for a while!

Other than that, though, everything is just peachy.

Anyway. One week into the new job and the new flat, and so far things are going well. Fingers crossed it keeps up, huh?

At the risk of jinxing everything, it really feels like things are going in the right direction for me.

Or maybe that's just the hype from ticking off about a million things on my to-do list talking. 

I thought I’d theme the next few posts in The Twenty-Something Series around moving. Excited as I was to move out and start being independent, I spent a lot of time this summer on Pinterest looking at how to move out, tips for moving into a new place, and so on. If there’s something more specific you’d like to see me writing about, let me know via Tweet or in the comments!

Oh, in other news - you guys might notice some ads cropping up on my blog from now on. I purchased my own domain and linked it to this blog and my AdSense account. If you notice the ads are making any of the blog posts hard to read because they’re not placed properly on mobile or whatever, please drop me a comment and let me know! I’d really appreciate the feedback.

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